So, we just discussed all of the logic behind it, so let us just run the example normally and get the data.

Running The Algorithm

# Foreign trade subset
f_trade <- TradeData0014[TradeData0014$exporter != TradeData0014$importer,]
# Normalize trade data to unit interval
f_trade$trade <- f_trade$trade / max(f_trade$trade)

# classify FEs for components to be absorbed (finding variable interactions)
f_trade$exp_year <- interaction(f_trade$expcode, f_trade$year)
f_trade$imp_year <- interaction(f_trade$impcode, f_trade$year)
f_trade$pair     <- interaction(f_trade$impcode, f_trade$expcode)

# Fit generalized linear model based on specifications
partials <- feglm(
  formula = trade ~ eu_enlargement + other_fta | exp_year + imp_year + pair,
  data    = f_trade,
  family  = poisson()
)$coefficient  # We just need the coefficients for computation
# Sort trade matrix to make it easier to find imp/exp pairs
t_trade <- TradeData0014[order(

t_trade$eu_effect <- NA      # this creates a new column with the partial effect of EU membership for new EU pairs
i <- 1
# Effect of EU entrance on country based on partial, if entry happened
invisible(by(t_trade, list(t_trade$expcode, t_trade$impcode), function(row) {
  # Was a new EU pair created within time span?
  t_trade[i:(i+nrow(row)-1), "eu_effect"] <<- diff(row$eu_enlargement, lag=nrow(row)-1)
  i <<- i + nrow(row)
# If added to EU, give it the computed partial eu_enlargement coefficient as the effect
t_trade$eu_effect = t_trade$eu_effect * partials[1]

# Data to be finally fed to the function
data <- t_trade[t_trade$year == 2000,]   # In example, 1892 Entries, 5676 removed
#>    exporter importer expcode impcode year        trade eu_enlargement other_fta
#> 1       AUS      AUS       1       1 2000 704777.47410              0         1
#> 5       AUS      AUT       1       2 2000     61.95446              0         0
#> 9       AUS      BEL       1       3 2000    345.46746              0         0
#> 13      AUS      BGR       1       4 2000      5.71090              0         0
#> 17      AUS      BRA       1       5 2000    557.74257              0         0
#> 21      AUS      CAN       1       6 2000   1583.67895              0         0
#>    FTA eu_effect
#> 1    1         0
#> 5    0         0
#> 9    0         0
#> 13   0         0
#> 17   0         0
#> 21   0         0
Running Actual Computations
## Difference between w_mult and w_o_mult is how trade balance is considered
## mult = TRUE assumes multiplicative trade balances; false assumes additive

w_mult <- ge_gravity(
  exp_id = data$expcode,    # Origin country associated with each observation
  imp_id = data$impcode,    # Destination country associated with each observation
  flows  = data$trade,      # Observed trade flows in the data for the year being used as the baseline
  beta   = data$eu_effect,  # “Partial” change in trade, obtained as coefficient from gravity estimation
  theta  = 4,               # Trade elasticity
  mult   = TRUE,            # Assume trade balance is a multiplicative component of national expenditure
  data   = data

w_o_mult <- ge_gravity(
  exp_id = data$expcode,    # Origin country associated with each observation
  imp_id = data$impcode,    # Destination country associated with each observation
  flows  = data$trade,      # Observed trade flows in the data for the year being used as the baseline
  beta   = data$eu_effect,  # “Partial” change in trade, obtained as coefficient from gravity estimation
  theta  = 4,               # Trade elasticity
  mult   = FALSE,           # Assume trade balance is an additive component of national expenditure
  data   = data
Final results without multiplicative option
#>    exporter importer expcode impcode year        trade eu_enlargement other_fta
#> 1       AUS      AUS       1       1 2000 704777.47410              0         1
#> 5       AUS      AUT       1       2 2000     61.95446              0         0
#> 9       AUS      BEL       1       3 2000    345.46746              0         0
#> 13      AUS      BGR       1       4 2000      5.71090              0         0
#> 17      AUS      BRA       1       5 2000    557.74257              0         0
#> 21      AUS      CAN       1       6 2000   1583.67895              0         0
#>    FTA eu_effect    new_trade   welfare real_wage  nom_wage price_index
#> 1    1         0 7.047388e+05 0.9999938 0.9999945 0.9999236   0.9999292
#> 5    0         0 6.200899e+01 0.9999938 0.9999945 0.9999236   0.9999292
#> 9    0         0 3.454304e+02 0.9999938 0.9999945 0.9999236   0.9999292
#> 13   0         0 5.302484e+00 0.9999938 0.9999945 0.9999236   0.9999292
#> 17   0         0 5.576790e+02 0.9999938 0.9999945 0.9999236   0.9999292
#> 21   0         0 1.583680e+03 0.9999938 0.9999945 0.9999236   0.9999292
Final results with multiplicative option
#>    exporter importer expcode impcode year        trade eu_enlargement other_fta
#> 1       AUS      AUS       1       1 2000 704777.47410              0         1
#> 5       AUS      AUT       1       2 2000     61.95446              0         0
#> 9       AUS      BEL       1       3 2000    345.46746              0         0
#> 13      AUS      BGR       1       4 2000      5.71090              0         0
#> 17      AUS      BRA       1       5 2000    557.74257              0         0
#> 21      AUS      CAN       1       6 2000   1583.67895              0         0
#>    FTA eu_effect    new_trade   welfare real_wage  nom_wage price_index
#> 1    1         0 7.047407e+05 0.9999948 0.9999948 0.9999268   0.9999321
#> 5    0         0 6.200460e+01 0.9999948 0.9999948 0.9999268   0.9999321
#> 9    0         0 3.454142e+02 0.9999948 0.9999948 0.9999268   0.9999321
#> 13   0         0 5.261708e+00 0.9999948 0.9999948 0.9999268   0.9999321
#> 17   0         0 5.576743e+02 0.9999948 0.9999948 0.9999268   0.9999321
#> 21   0         0 1.583683e+03 0.9999948 0.9999948 0.9999268   0.9999321

Comparison with Stata Counterpart

As mentioned, this package is intended to mimic the functionality of the Stata package of the same name, so we will do a quick comparison of this data relative to the same computation from the Stata counterpart.

Before running comparisons, we need to slightly modify the results data to sync with our new format.

# Notice that the Stata counterpart returned all years with a sparse
# selection labeled with computed values. Ours just returns the new data
# by default or tags it onto the data provided in the `data` parameter.

# To make it sync, just extract a year.
results <- TradeData0014_Results[TradeData0014_Results$year == 2000, ]
#>    exporter importer expcode impcode year        trade eu_enlargement other_fta
#> 1       AUS      AUS       1       1 2000 704777.47410              0         1
#> 5       AUS      AUT       1       2 2000     61.95446              0         0
#> 9       AUS      BEL       1       3 2000    345.46746              0         0
#> 13      AUS      BGR       1       4 2000      5.71090              0         0
#> 17      AUS      BRA       1       5 2000    557.74257              0         0
#> 21      AUS      CAN       1       6 2000   1583.67895              0         0
#>    FTA new_eu_pair eu_effect      w_eu         X_eu    w_mult       X_mult
#> 1    1           0         0 0.9999938 7.047388e+05 0.9999948 7.047407e+05
#> 5    0           0         0 0.9999938 6.200899e+01 0.9999948 6.200460e+01
#> 9    0           0         0 0.9999938 3.454304e+02 0.9999948 3.454142e+02
#> 13   0           0         0 0.9999938 5.302484e+00 0.9999948 5.261708e+00
#> 17   0           0         0 0.9999938 5.576790e+02 0.9999948 5.576743e+02
#> 21   0           0         0 0.9999938 1.583680e+03 0.9999948 1.583683e+03
Comparison of w_eu from stata results to the computed welfare change w/ additive trade imbalances
plot(x = results$w_eu, y = w_o_mult$welfare, log = "xy")
abline(coef = c(0,1))

message("Max difference: ", max(abs(results$w_eu - w_o_mult$welfare)))
#> Max difference: 5.84207948683968e-08
Comparison of w_mult from stata results to the computed welfare change w/ multiplicative trade imbalances
plot(x = results$w_mult, y = w_mult$welfare, log = "xy")
abline(coef = c(0,1))

message("Max difference: ", max(abs(results$w_mult - w_mult$welfare)))
#> Max difference: 5.82429970918952e-08
Comparing results of new X w/o multiplicative option
plot(x = results$X_eu, y = w_o_mult$new_trade, log = "xy")
abline(coef = c(0,1))

message("Max difference: ", max(abs(results$X_eu - w_o_mult$new_trade)))
#> Max difference: 0.217820517718792
Comparing results of new X with multiplicative option
plot(x = results$X_mult, y = w_mult$new_trade, log = "xy")
abline(coef = c(0,1))

message("Max difference: ", max(abs(results$X_mult - w_mult$new_trade)))
#> Max difference: 0.472535479813814